Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Week 11 Day 2 - Wednesday, Oct 31 - Homework

1. Using the CSS3 font techniques covered in class today, create an new HTML document that presents an existing Halloween themed poem or short story of your choice. Code wise, your Poem exercise should include the following code examples:
  • Use of 1 serif font (not one used in the demo today) stylized via Google Font
  • Use of 1 sans-serif font (not one used in the demo today) stylized via @font-face CSS3 property
Upload exercise to your class homepage by start of next class (2:30pm, Monday, Nov 5).

2. Continue design layout for Project 2. PDF of final design layout for all pages due next Wednesday, November 7, 2:30pm. All intended content (text copy, imagery, additional media) must be placed in this design layout, no placeholder content.

3. Continue visual blog entries for the week.

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