Monday, November 5, 2012

Mini Group Critique Scheduled for Wednesday, Nov 7

Mini group critiques for Project 2 will be conducted next class, Wednesday, Nov 7. Please save each of your layout design pages as PDFs onto a USB Flash Stick or somewhere within our class dropbox space by 2:30pm. We will view each student's design on a projector in my studio space.

Instead of meeting together as a class next Wednesday, please arrive promptly to Art & Architecture North Bldg, Rm 306 during your group review.

Group 1 (2:30pm, meet at AA North Rm 306): Kate, Andrew, Tara, Daniel
Group 2 (3:00pm, meet at AA North Rm 306): Robin, Emalee, Whitney
Group 3 (3:30pm, meet at AA North Rm 306): Kyle, Christian, Lindzey, Sierra
Group 4 (4:00pm, meet at AA North Rm 306): Becca, Lydia, Tanner

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